I want to share a story about how this practice worked for me. I have recently been frustrated with a situation involving my student loans. I have been contacting my provider over and over with little resolution of answers. I was getting angry about it and focusing on all the parts that were not going well. I was starting to create anxiety around it and even blasted them on social media for not resolving my issues and having long wait times. I complained to my friends and my husband. I have been doing using my new Silk and Sonder journal each day and I recently started a Manifestation Ritual with daily guided journaling. I also signed up for Gabby Bernstein's 21 Day Manifesting Challenge and listened to a talk from her this week. After posting the negativity, I began to realize that this was not the vibe I wanted in the universe. I quickly took the posts down, and started focusing on understanding of why it may be taking them so long. I did an evening meditation because I hadn't slept well the previous night-due to my mind racing with thoughts of this student loan issue. I starting focusing on the solution, rather than the problem. I visualized them calling me back, the check being in the mail and the resolution coming to me. At the gym today, I did the "full monty" self care routine and chose a mediation that focused on frustration. I felt so much better and less annoyed and anxious... I left the gym and hit Aldi to check the Aisle of Shame (got some great deals) and while I was there, my phone rang. Somehow I knew it was the supervisor calling me back... and she had just the update I was waiting for. The refund check had been mailed and a second amount was being sent electronically. My entire body suddenly felt relaxed and I began to reflect how my focusing on the positive outcome and trusting the universe had brought me the call and update. So, the next time you are facing an issue... I suggest you flip the script and begin to send your energy and vibrations toward the positive outcome, rather than dwelling on the problem.
Great advice. Thank you for the reminder.