Some foods can boost your mood right away, but can hurt it down the line, while other boost your mood immediately and for a long time after.
I had no idea how much my food choices were effecting the way I was feeling. Some gave me an instant gratification, but later feelings of regret and bloating. After a month long transformation program in 2020, I realized the extent to which my food was bringing me down. Here are some things I learned.
Tip #1 - Avoid processed foods.
Not only are these refined carb and sugar filled foods bad for your health in general, they are highly addictive... as much as tobacco. Choosing clean, whole foods are a much better option for good mood foods.
Tip #2 - Choose organic as much as possible.
I know, I know... you think that it doesn't really matter and it is too expensive... I used to think the same thing. Then, I made the switch and felt the results. The chemicals in pesticides are not only linked to cancer, but can also create feelings of depression and fatigue.
"A recent French study followed 70,000 adults for five years and found that those who frequently ate organic developed 25 percent fewer cancers than those who never ate organic."
Tip #3 - Stick to low glycemic foods.
But give up my sweets? Yep, these treats are effecting you in more ways than you know. All forms of sugar create a blood sugar spike and then crash. This can affect your mood, increase irritability and anxiousness, make you feel fatigued and can cause cravings. High sugar diets also cause inflammation which can increase bad moods.
Tip #4 - Eat more fiber.
High fiber foods are found help maintain a healthy weight and lower your risk of diabetes, heart disease and some types of cancer. Low fiber foods cause blood sugar highs and lows which can cause those bad moods.
Tip #5 - Avoid artificial sweeteners, dyes and hormones.
Artificial dyes, preservatives, flavoring, and other additives have been associated with mood disorders as well as other issues. Hormones can be detrimental to health and well-being.
"Studies have linked aspartame (NutraSweet, Equal) to depression, anxiety, irritable moods, and insomnia, as well as a host of other neurophysiological issues. Artificial sweeteners—including aspartame, saccharine (Sweet’N Low), and sucralose (Splenda)—can also lead to high insulin levels, which is associated with a higher risk for depression in addition to Alzheimer’s disease and a variety of physical ailments." Dr. Daniel Amen
So... think before you eat!
When at the grocery store or out to eat, one conscious of what you choices and ask is this good mood food or bad mood food?